Sunday, June 30, 2013

Wedding and Rain

Attended an interesting wedding this weekend.  My brother Chris has a nice young man working for him doing gardening and such.  Phillip got married this weekend.  He's 20 and probably doesn't really understand what he's getting into.  His bride is about the same age and since they decided quickly that they wanted to get married, the usual premarital counseling that pastor's usually require was skipped.

 The pastor at the Cowboy church in Tombstone agreed to marry them in "The Barn" at Cochise Terrace RV Resort.

Chris, Elijah and Lorraine at the Wedding

So the interesting thing about this wedding was that this pastor gave a crash course on the reality of marriage while he was "marrying" this young couple.  

Some memorable quotes:  "Men require respect"  " Women need love".  Paraphrasing Ephesians scripture that Paul said "Husband love your wives as Christ loved the church and wives respect your husbands".  Pastor said that women know how to love instinctively, men really don't; what they require is respect from their families and the outside world.  He also said that men need to be willing to die for their wives as Christ died for the world.  No woman can resist that kind of a guy so the respect will come automatically. 

I'll see if I can get the script of his marriage ceremony.  Real words to chew on....In other words he prepared them for how hard marriage it's going to be and how forgiveness is always the key.

The other big news of the weekend was that we had a downpour in Benson.  How wonderful to smell the desert after the rain.  I remember that smell from the first time I stepped off of a plane in Tucson on my first visit to this area of the country.  It's intoxicating.  



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