Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Mysterious and Glorious

I love these mountains.  Every morning is a gift.  I can see why Cochise held on here before his end.

Reminds me of the Psalm 121:

 I lift up my eyes toward the mountains—
from where will my help come?
My help is from the LORD,
maker of heaven and earth.

So as Cochise learned, help does not come from the mountains, only from the Lord.

Lots of rain last night.  Time to weed and plant.

Spent time in Tucson yesterday where it was 100 in the middle of the day.  That's actually pretty normal temperature for June.  I loved the thunderheads forming as we walked out of the Mall and sure enough by 4PM it was pouring.

We did drive around all day looking for a bed for our guest room.  We settled on a futon which can serve double duty.  Can't wait for Cyenna to visit on the 23rd.  Brave girl....she's flying alone on a direct flight from Miami to Phoenix.  What adventures for a 12 year old.  She's awesome!

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