Saturday, June 15, 2013

Rains are acomin.....

Thunderheads and lightening showed up in the middle of the day yesterday.  We closed on our Benson house yesterday and backed the UHaul up to the garage.  Artur drove to the house with the truck right after signing the papers and cut the big Mesquite tree limb down, stuffed all the branches into the truck and we burnt them in Tom's fire pit this morning.  Tom is finishing up Monika's wall in front of her restaurant this morning.  Chris and Artur drove to Tucson this morning to get some 2 buck Chuck and look for some real German food ;-)

Happy Father's Day to all.

Here's Jim and Gina's house with real gray clouds overhead.  Maybe we will get some real rain soon.

Mid Afternoon June 14th 2013

Hopefully our last move.......

Apricots from the tree along the irrigation ditch made a nice streusel cake

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