Sunday, June 16, 2013

Moving to Benson

We cleared out the garage in St. David where half of our "stuff" was stored and filled up a 20' UHaul.
Most of it was tools from Artur's shop and some furniture that we were not using in the house.

I'm smiling because it finally rained after 3 months of nothing.  The smell after the rain is hard to describe.  It's like desert incense. I think these mesquite blossoms and the creosote bushes have something to do with that.

 Sunday morning walk was glorious with the smell after the rain and the clear view of the mountains.  This was our last Sunday in St. David.  The vista's will be different in Benson but just as beautiful.

Tomorrow we take the truck to Si Tango and start unloading.  New adventures await.....

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