Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Working from home

I always envied those gals who could walk 5 steps to their office in the mornings.  Well here it is, the view from my office.

I have everything I need, server, laptop, printers, scanner and of course Direct TV for now.  That's actually for Artur to keep him occupied when I'm working.  

I love the large windows in our house.  They make them large in case of fire so that you can step out of the window.  Great idea!  
So I'm working on my first big job, updating a website for an RV Resort in Benson.  I would not have attempted this except their site was really outdated so anything we come up with will be better than what they have.  My 13 years hanging out at CCAD have given me an eye for what's junk and what a professional website should include.  The first things that now catches my eye are the fonts or should I say the jumble of fonts.  Another thing is too many colors and not a specific color scheme.  So I'm stepping out of my MacLady comfort zone and jumping right into the fire so to speak.

Artur is working on our new gate for the courtyard.  It's the first step of a lot of improvements we would like to make to the house.  The previous owners were a loving Italian family who loved pink.  I love piggy's and especially since Cyenna and I always watched Babe, but Chris has already teased me about the "little piggy" house color.  We going with beige and brown.  Earth tones fit so beautifully into this desert garden with an accent of Santa Fe blue.  We'll wait until it's cooler in Sept, Oct before we start "washing" the walls.  

I'm loving the openness of the kitchen and the easy care tile floors of the house.  It's our little oasis now.

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