Thursday, June 27, 2013

It's been a hot one....

"Like seven inches from the midday sun".....these days remind me of the Santana song.  Great song, better beat.

We are waiting for the rains.  It promises to be a great show here from the heights in Benson.  We walked in the desert today.  Even the cactus are looking for shade these days.

The RV Parks are like ghost towns here in the city.  Looks like the rapture happened and they all got taken.  If only.....

The mornings and evenings are the best right now.  The sky is always different.  It's like a wonderful free light show every morning.  Bear is still exploring the desert.  We still have not seen one snake!

Here the sunset is making these Yucca plants come alive.

This area is down the hill from our house.  It's a vast wash with lots of gully's and mesquite trees along with prickly pear and barrel cacti.  I'm running around with my camera taking pictures of the Dragoons for the website I'm working on.  It's lots of fun because you never know how the light be that day.  I'm learning a lot exploring more.  

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