Tuesday, June 11, 2013

The Great Wall Project

This was one of the most interesting projects we have worked on (or I should say, Artur) since we arrived here in Arizona.  In anticipation of the monsoon rains coming in July which almost washed away our neighbors house last year, Tom and Jim proposed that they build a "soil cement" wall to hold the earth in place and keep his yard from being filled up with 6 ft. of dirt.  The project was started in May and took most of 3 weeks.  Of course, Jim and Gina who are from Minnesota and always flee the heat and go back up North in June, don't believe there is ever water in these washes.  I can't fathom it either because I have only seen 4 drops of rain since we arrived in March.  All the neighbors say that I will become a believer in July..........I'm still a skeptic.  

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