Saturday, July 20, 2013

One month in Benson

To celebrate one month in Benson, I went 5 min. down the road to see Tifani at Alluring Image Salon.  She's a perky little gal who gave me a great haircut and also as you can see a summer pedicure. 
 Tifani is giving me an education about the culture in Benson and St. David.  She goes to the LDS church in St. David but did not fit the image of a Mormon woman that I've had in my head.  She's on her second divorce and is divorcing the born-again christian man who lived in the manufactured home right down the street from us in St. David.  He moved in with his first wife's daughter three months after Tifani left him.  Sound like a microcosm of American right now?  So last week he got evicted and is at the moment a guest of Joseph M. "Joe" Arpaio in Phoenix.  

We're called to be lights in the darkness and there's plenty around everywhere.  So as the book I just finished reminded me of the Chronicles Scripture; "If my people, who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray, then I will hear from heaven and heal their land".  I'm praying for a godly man to come into Tifani's life....not a religious man.....a godly man, there is a difference as you can see from Tifani's adventures.


Lots of flowers today on our morning walk in the wash.

Monsoon clouds overhead

This is our neighbor's dog Buddie who ventures out with us some mornings.

Chris and Lorraine came over last evening for pizza.  It was a beautiful balmy evening and we were able to sit out in the courtyard without mosquito's bothering us.  Our dog Bear always reminds us at 9PM that it's time to go to bed.  He starts growling at us if we stay up too long.  Strange dog!!


Good news!  Artur finally brought the RV to the new house from Chris's "parking lot" where it had spent the last few months.  We were afraid it would not fit into the back yard storage area but with inches to spare, Art squeezed in the Dodge.  The only fatality was a nice Yucca plant which we uprooted and as you can see Art "replanted" it behind the wall.  I'll be surprised if it grows again back there but with the monsoon rains, who knows?

Transplanting the Yucca....

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