Monday, July 15, 2013

Books and blossoms

The rains have encouraged the Barrel cacti to bloom.  Here's one I discovered this morning just about ready to burst.

Bear loves to walk in the desert and is usually so tired after his walks that he's the most relaxed dog ever as you can see.........

No shame whatsoever.....


I love the late afternoons when we come in from outside because of the heat and have quiet time to sit and read or make music.  I've been plucking around on my guitar again.
Sing unto the Lord a new song is what is written......

I downloaded the book "The Harbinger" onto my IPhone last week and just can't put it down.

It's written by a messianic, Jewish rabbi and links Jewish prophesy with what's happening today in our economy.  It's very interesting and if you're thinking about reading it with an open mind.  I've heard some of these warning before and since they have come from my trusted financial adviser in Ohio, my interest is peaked.

I also heard about this from Dr.Mike Brown at Zion Fellowship in Powell, Ohio.  He gave a financial seminar which also gave some of these warnings.  

I'm a firm believer that if you hear the same things three times from different sources, you better listen.  God still speaks today and not necessarily in a Moses voice but through people, books, circumstances.

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