Monday, July 29, 2013

"Grand" parents and canyon

What do grandparents and the Grand Canyon have in common?

The flow.....

Grandparents have had the soft and soothing flow of time with their children etch wisdom and patience into their character or the jagged flow of bitterness, harshness and UN-forgiveness leave deep crevasses of dashed dreams in their brows.

The Grand Canyon has had the mighty Colorado River flow through its belly with sand, rocks and boulders carving out deep canyons of varied colors, ever changing over spans of time that we humans can't even grasp.  I remember being there in 88 with Karl and Josefa but don't remember being quite as impressed.  It must have been the heavy concentration of protecting the young children and keeping the peace that distracted me from the awesome beauty of the Canyon. 

Cyenna has amazing observation skills and knows how to jar Opa out of his pessimism.  He so adores her and loves to entertain her.

Driving towards Flagstaff from the Grand Canyon on July 27th.

The Burger King lovers.  They always have the chicken sandwich.  It's a tradition!

We arrived back in Benson on Sunday afternoon.  I was exhausted but thankful that we were safe and that we'll have another week with Cyenna.  

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