Friday, July 5, 2013

Certifications and such...

Today I received some really great news considering that I've been really busy lately.  Apple Computer gave me a gift.  I had emailed the "certification" group about getting an extension since my Apple Technician Certification was about to run out on the 7th of July.  I was hoping for another week to settle in and study but here it is:

On June 23, 2013, AppleCare updated its Service Training and Certification program. This update is based on feedback from the field and ensures a simpler and easier way to create and maintain service technician credentials.

All service technicians that had an existing Apple Certified Mac Technician (ACMT) certification on of June 23, 2013 were granted a new ACMT certification that eliminates annual recertification exams. This new certification will allow the same ability to order service parts as the preceding ACMT certification and will not expire.

The most beautiful words were "eliminates annual recertification".  I've taken this test with fear and trembling and every passing year told God that if I fail I'll change jobs. I passed it for 12 years, thank God!  So now I can concentrate on finding more work here in Benson.  Just ordered some more business cards and organized my home office last night.  Appropriate for the 4th of July....."freedom".

Experienced my first real monsoon rain here in Benson.  I couldn't leave the Safeway parking lot because of sideways rain.  When I finally was able to reach my car and drive up the road, the washes were literally raging, yes raging.  I would not have believed it.  Too bad I didn't have my camera handy.  I will from now on, just put new batteries in the camera today.  It was very scarey driving home with my low to the road Jetta.  My smart alack husband passed me on the way home in his "high" Ford hillbilly truck

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