Thursday, July 4, 2013

Benson 4th of July Parade

9 AM on 7th Street awaiting our first Arizona parade.  Brother Chris took Elijah and his cousin Seth to collect candy for the rest of the family.  Because of the was 90 in the shade and getting warmer by the minute.....they don't have any high school marching bands walking the route.  There were plenty of ATV's in all colors and sizes.  An ATV is an essential piece of equipment here in the desert according to the people in this area who love to ride them up, down, around and through the washes.  In our morning walks in the desert, the ATV trails are all over and the Yucca's probably cringe when they see them coming.

Elijah and Seth on the way to the parade.

Brother Chris in his doctor's coat.  He's smart.  He wears white in this heat.

Looking more like mom every day, this is my Arizona look.  

God bless America!

One of many ATV's in the parade

Proof that we are actually in Benson.

We all felt sorry for the horses.

St. David wanted to join in also....

Lots of motorcycles!

Little ponies need a break!

Old western wagon

Love that German Shepherd

Old fashioned yoke (poor cows, or steer) whatever??

Here comes the wagon train....

This one's for Jim, our John Deere lover

Now there's the real thing...

Guys and gals love their souped up rigs..

Nice Mash float

So then it was off to the park for Firemen water battles..

Because of the heat and the fact that Benson lost thousands of dollars in fireworks last year due to heavy rain, they are doing a laser light show this evening.  Probably a smart thing to do considering all the tragedy they have experienced with fire this month.

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