Friday, August 23, 2013

The Neighbors

We have some really great neighbors here in Benson.  There's Pat of course who's up at the crack of dawn, just like we are and walks her dog Buddy in the Wash.  Bear has been wanting out before 6AM these days too so this morning we were in the Wash before the sun came up.  It was a cool 62 and it was a pleasure to walk in the morning breeze.  I still have not run into what they call a rattlesnake in Arizona.  Thank God!  But I have seen a coyote.  As a matter of fact, he's been walking down the street like Wiley Coyote like he owns the place.  I was able to get a shot of him while he was eating something, I suspect a baby quail, under the tree next to our driveway.

When I moved in for a closer look, he ran up the hill with something unidentifiable in his mouth.

Pat's not too happy about this daily visitor because her dog Buddy would be a quick little treat for him.

Of course our cat, Angel would probably give him a run for his money but I hear cats here in Arizona are no match for a Coyote.

Angel has better things to do.....she's harassing Bear every day and when she's not begging food off of the table from Art, she's posing for pictures for my website.  Here's her best shot:

I finally finished the site for Softsense.  That's my LLC so that I can get some kind of a tax break.    Check it out:

My talented daughter Josefa made the logo for me a few years back when I officially became the Mac Lady.  Now I'm trying to branch out into Web updates but once you get a certain reputation, it's hard to move on.  I still love working on Mac's, which I'm doing right now, but at my age, it's time to expand my horizons.  About time??

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