Thursday, August 8, 2013

Barrel's of Fun

Barrel cactus are blooming after the monsoon rains.  We always find interesting changes every day in our walks in the wash.  I wish this blog could emit the amazing smells in the desert after the rains.  Last evening the dew on the grass that's coming up all over glistened silver in the setting sun.  It seems like the barrel's are having a beauty contest.  Each one wears a different crown.

 And the winner is:


I found some more pictures of our adventures with Cyenna.  Here are some highlights:

At neighbor Pat's with Buddy

At Opa's favorite watering hole in Tombstone.  She had pink lemonade!

With Lorraine's Pug

This was camping breakfast

Waiting for her chicken sandwich....that was her daily breakfast

Little cowgirl jamming Opa's truck

Last walk in the wash

Good bye to the Yucca's

Last run down "Big Mama"

Sadness or just taking in the moment

Are we ready?

She gave Oma heart failure every time she ran down

With the bone player and his friend in Tombstone

Cyenna and Buddy

Leaving some writing in the sand.....After a week and even one good rain, it's still visible  


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