Friday, August 16, 2013


Artur reached a milestone today, 70 years young.

Never would have thought that 70 years could be young but Artur is fit and as healthy as a man who smoked for 40 years can be.  His stent is in place and holding strong and he's enjoying retirement most days.  Taking two walks a day with the dog helps a lot.  Now if I can get him away from the nitrates in his "knockwurst", he might see 80.  It shouldn't be a problem because he's almost out of the stash that he brought from Ohio.  There's no Aldi's in Arizona so we haven't found a replacement brand here in Tucson yet.  We might have to stick with the Genoa Salami found at the Dollar Store in Sierra Vista (which is probably just as bad).

Finally filled out the paperwork for getting an appointment with a nurse practitioner here in Benson. The greatest country in the world and you call a doctor here in Benson and they say if you're on Medicare you can't get an appointment with a doctor just a nurse.  Must be too many "old" people here in Arizona, the system is on overload.  Solution:  stay healthy and stop eating sh-- with nitrates.  So to add to the clogging of the arteries, I baked his favorite cake.  What the heck, it's only once a year that I go to that much effort.  Black Forest Cherry cake with cherry rum.  I couldn't find any kirsch liqueur in Benson.  Here's the masterpiece.....

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