Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Go Live

Today, the website update I've been working on since June finally went live.  Cochiseterrace.com is up and running.  This was more fun than work for me.  I was able to use some of my photo's of the area and research other attractions in Cochise County while working on the site.  I built a great relationship with the office manager at Cochise and made a good contact in the Benson Tourist Bureau.

I need to start pounding the pavement for some more of that kind of work.  At least now I have something for my portfolio.


At home we're still working on the front entrance enclosure.  Tom gave us some of the pink flagstone that he used in his house for the top ledge of the wall.  Now we are ready for the stucco and paint.  I found some paint at ACE that matches our wall so that we can paint and also touch up some of the worn spots around the outside of the house.  I'm still working on the right color for the trim.  Right now it's too much of the same color.  My talented sister Theresa gave me some idea's for southwest color combinations which would look really cute.

I'm going to take this photo into photoshop and try them out that way.


The rainbow over Benson was glorious yesterday.  I couldn't believe how perfect it was!

It was like a dome where the top was all gray and underneath the rainbow were beautiful clouds and sunshine.

In the past, every time I've gotten worried about my children in any way shape or form, God always gives me a rainbow.  I remember stepping out of my garage in Ohio when I was really praying hard for Karl, there it was right in front of me as big as day.......rainbow.  It's like God telling me......I keep my promises.  So after I saw this beautiful rainbow yesterday, I sat down in my office and there right in front of me where I had pinned it to the wall a month ago was the little card Karl had gotten in Sunday School when he was probably 8 or 9 which said "God keeps his promises to Karlheinz"  and underneath a sticker with a rainbow.  Dah!

This rainbow came after a wonderful rainstorm that washed our Benson Wash totally clean.  It was like walking on the beach in the morning after the waves have swept the beach all clean and the sand is smooth and hard and easy to walk on.

The "Love Trail" as Cyenna calls it..

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