Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Last Week of August

We are really enjoying the cooler weather here in the mornings on our walks.  The only thing that surprises me is that it's still dark now at 5:15AM.  Even though it's warm here in Arizona, the sun will not show it's face any earlier than in Ohio in the Winters.

This morning, the low clouds, don't know if it was actually fog, made the young grass shoots in the wash gleam in the sunlight.  Bear enjoyed it and was on the lookout for jack rabbits.

Tom came over on the weekend to show us the door he's building for Jerry Dixon.  The old oak door is rotten in spots but I'm thinking someone could make a solid oak table with that one.

Good job Tom!

Another beautiful double rainbow in the evening before the rains came.

A snake left it's coat in the wash.  Glad I didn't run into the owner that time!

Chris's bounty.  All kinds of tomatoes in all colors.  I'm making some salsa this evening.  I'm getting used to the taste of cilantro....who knew??

I love the sand and rock patterns in the wash after the rain.  It's art only nature can create.

Sunshine onto the Dragoons!

I love how you can clearly see the rain in the mountains and just watch it come your way.

Enjoying beautiful Arizona in the dog days of summer!

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