Friday, November 8, 2013

Shorts in November!

I knew the weather would be different in Arizona, but today is the 8th of November and I'm still wearing shorts.  Of course only in the house in the mornings and then outside after 10AM.  Art goes out with Bear in the mornings for a quick walk in the wash and I bowed out for now because of the chill in the air.  We decided to take him for his "longer" walk around 11AM and it was 80 degrees by then.

We stopped at Holy Trinity Monastery on Nov. 2 to put some silk flowers on mom and dad's graves.  It's hard to keep live flowers there.  I wanted to plant marigolds since that's the traditional flower for All Souls in this area but I couldn't find any in any store.....I guess they were sold out.

Here's Bear and Buddy who came to visit from the house across the street.  We walk across the street twice a day to walk in the wash behind Pat's house.  That's where Buddy lives and Bear loves to drink his water and finish the food out of his bowl when we come back from our walks.   Pat just loves Bear and it's great socializing for all of us.

Beautiful November sky over the Dragoons.

This is going to be one of our favorite spots to lunch.  Mescal Grill.....You can sit outside and of course Art loves the chicken fingers and fries.  I also found a great fence idea and the owner had grapes growing along the east side.  I can't wait to try that once we get back from our Thanksgiving trip to Florida.

 Evening walk with Bear

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