Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Finally made it to California

When we moved to Arizona in March 2013, Tom had mentioned that we need to go visit our sister Barbara who lives in Grass Valley California after we are settled in.  Little did Barb know that it would take 5 months to finally get the trip organized.  I was naive in thinking that because Arizona and California are bordering states, the distances would not be as great but they are nothing like the Eastern States that we were used to.  Just traveling around Arizona opens your eyes to the vastness of the Western States.  "How beautiful for spacious skies"!

So we started on our trip last Friday the 27th of September at 5AM and headed up Hwy 10 towards Phoenix and took Hwy 8 heading for San Diego.  Around 10 AM we found ourselves surrounded by
fields of windmills in the Palm Springs Valley of California.  I have seen windmills in the fields of Indiana but here in California they have all different designs, shapes and sizes.  This valley must be the test field for windmill companies.

To me they look like space age palm trees.  Wonder if Bob Hope ever envisioned this while relaxing on all those golf courses in town.

Here's another "only in California" sight.....Trucks full of grapefruit.  I also spotted one full of tomatoes probably headed to the V8 factory.

We finally arrived at Barbara's around 9:30 PM.  I'm glad she's moving because it's crazy to find her place at night in the foothills of the Sierra's.  But the smell of pines and running water did my old Ohio Soul good.

Brunch with Barb in Grass Valley

Barb's a walker.....Tom and I had a hard time keeping up...

Barb's house

Love these trees!!

Tom's pulling out what he can to grow in Arizona....

I helped Barb with her computer issues and Tom did some small repairs around the house.  Tom is so generous with his helpless sisters!


We headed for home on Sept. 30 at 6:30 AM intending to drive home via Reno and LasVegas.  Somewhere south of Reno we encountered this:

I was pleasantly surprised  and mentioned to Tom how beautiful it was and kept driving....
Just a few miles later we saw a sign "Welcome to California".  Much to our surprise we had made a right turn right back and we  were staring at the Sierra Nevada's on the other side of Yosemite.  I was happy for the detour because I got some great shots in the valley along Rt 395 heading South to Rt. 40.

Coming over the Donner Pass, trying to envision the first settlers making this trip, I can't wrap my mind around that one!

Along Calif. 395

It's Fall in the Valley

Colorado River at the Calif. Arizona border at sunset

Heading towards Lake Havasu, AZ

I decided that going back to see Lake Havasu would be worth a trip.  There's is also Parker Lake and Parker Dam with several State Parks in the area.  I had imagined it to be flat as a pancake type of landscape but I was really wrong.  It's very beautiful and Lake Havasu is a huge modern city.

So continues my exploration of the American West.

What fun!!!

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