Wednesday, January 8, 2014

January in Arizona

A few weeks ago when I woke up at 6:30 AM and took a look at our outside thermometer, I was surprised that the temperature was 25 degrees.  WHAT?  I'm in's not supposed to get below freezing!  So I jacked up my thermostat from 65 to 68 and put on my coat to walk our dog in the desert.

Artur told me to stop's gets warm again at 10AM.  That's how spoiled I have become and especially when I'm not feeling well some evenings it's hard to fall asleep because I have cold feet.  So I guess it's either my blood is thinning or I'm getting old.  I prefer to believe it's the former.

I felt really bad this last week for being so ungrateful because my poor son and all my friends and relatives in Ohio were in the deep freeze.  I thank God every day that our move went so smoothly and now I can take walks in the sunshine every afternoon and pinch myself that it's January.

 Today I took pictures of our fountain again.  We had three hummingbirds visit for a bath this morning and my bushes are still green and I don't expect them to lose their leaves.  So I sit in my office and look out the window at green leaves and water dripping down the fountain.  It will be sumer soon enough and then I won't be wearing socks to bed anymore for sure!!

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